Wednesday 24 February 2010

200 at last

It had to happen; someone had to make 200 in an ODI. Thank heavens it was Sachin Tendulkar, a man who deserves all the records and plaudits he receives who did it first. I was worried it might be done by a flash-in-the-pan player, someone who turns up, slogs for a bit and gets 200. It could have happened but happily it didn’t. The score was made by someone who is more than worthy. It was also made against South Africa – no six sixes against Bermuda type falsies here. A proper innings by a proper batsman against a proper bowling attack. Nice one Sachin.


Mahesh said...

Fantastic and just about flawless innings, record couldn't have gone to anyone more worthy. Legend indeed.

Wonder when he will retire? Will he wait for his 100 100's?

dannyhesford said...

One of the most aesthetically pleasing ODI innings I've ever seen. Amazing. I hope the record remains unbeaten for many years now. We don't want another Charles Coventry.

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FF said...

I've had the pleasure of being able to watch ST bat a few times and I will never forget it. He is a class act and makes it look so effortless.